<p class="MsoNormal"]<span><span>Newbie here
with some newbie type questions and looking for some straight forward helpful
info please people &hellip;<o></o>
<p class="MsoNormal"]<span><span>I&rsquo;ve just
bought myself a 50D with kit lense 28-135mm and am enjoying learning/playing
with the camera <span><span><span>J<span><span><o></o>
<p class="MsoNormal"]<span><span>From playing
with the 28-135mm I have sort of figured out that I would also like to be able
to get wider angle shots, from doing some reading it seems Canons 10-22mm is
the type of lens that would enable me to get great wide angle shots and I don&rsquo;t
think it will be a problem missing any overlap as I can shuffle my feet &hellip; is
this a good choice? Any others I should consider?<o></o>
<p class="MsoNormal"]<span><span>I&rsquo;ve heard a
lot of talk about getting the cheap 50mm f1.8 &hellip; from what I understand I have
this length covered on the 28-135mm but with the 50mm f1.8 I would benefit from
the wider aperture and therefore get better photos in low light/indoors etc, so
potentially for the indoor/family type shots I&rsquo;d get better photos for the
little extra money &hellip;. Is my thinking correct?<o></o>
<p class="MsoNormal"]<span><span>At the moment I&rsquo;m
not into shooting anything longer so no need for a longer telephoto &hellip; if I were
to look for one, what ones would you recommend to complement the above set of
<p class="MsoNormal"]<span><span>Thanks all in
advance for any helpful advice.<o></o>