Quote Originally Posted by keller

Okay...here is a picture of my wife's sister and her family. She took this picture so by all means...say what you want!!!

We both think, the woman in this picture looks out of focus? Any ideas on why or how to not have this problem in the future?

XSi, 55-250 lense

ISO 400

Aperture F7.1

Exposure 1/125

Focal length 123 mm

Are you certain that the IS was turned on? Your shutter speed (1/125th) is a little slow for handholding without IS (you'd want at least 1/200th). Bryan's review says the lens should be good for three stops of stabilization (even though marketed as four stops), so you'd want 8/200 or 1/25th so you should have been safe here if IS was on.

I'd try a few shots over a range of apertures. If smaller apertures appear more in focus, it could be a DOF issue or it could be a focus error issue, so I'd then try using a focus chart to see how your lens is doing. I'd also shoot some on a tripod, just to isolate some issues.