Last night I shot my first high school basketball game. It seemed like I was getting alot of out of focus shots. So my question is, is what focusing mode would you suggest to shoot in for this type of situation? The setup I am using is a 40D w/ a 70-200 2.8 IS. I switched between all of the auto focusing modes as well as manual focus, alsoI switched between using just the center focusing point and or all. It seemed I got the best results using on shot focus using the center AF point. I donot believe the out of focus images were do to movement of either the camera or the player because either the player closer to me was sharper or the background was sharper then the intended point of focus, and the shutter speed I was using was around 1/320.

My favorite shot below is actually when I used a slower shutter speed to blur the background but still keep the player alittle crisp.


1/60th of a second at 2.8 focal length was 75 one shot auto focus using center AF point.