Quote Originally Posted by donnman
My next question is should I still get the 70-200mm f/2.8 or go with the 70-200mm f/4 and save a few more bucks?

don (pause for effect) man,

That's entirely dependent on your shooting goals. If you are going to shoot B-Ball inside a Gym, f4 may be pushing it. However, the difference between the f4 and f2.8IS would almost be enough to upgrade to a refurbed 40D or used 50D. Then you would at least have the ISO 3200 +1EV advantage over the XSi you currently own. If your very happy with your XSi then you simply need to decide what you think you will need for the kind of photography you want to do. Both lenses are phenomenal pieces of glass.

If you want to shoot sports then you need the AF advantage that the XXD cameras have over your current body and that may be a bigger advantage at f4 than the XSi at f2.8. At f2.8 the DOF is pretty thin and sharply focused action shots will be harder to produce with the XSi. I have never owned an XSi so I don't know anything about it's autofocus speed. I assume that it's not as fast or as accurate as the XXD's. Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I find that with the 5D & 40D, my keeper percentage increases if I use ISO 3200 f4 instead of ISO 1600 f2.8 when shooting basketball indoors. (My son's Upward pee-wee basketball) OKay, so why would I buy the f2.8 version. Because I happened across agreat deal and I shoota lotin natural/low light situations like church and weddings where flash would/could be distracting. I use f2.8 as much if not morethan f4.

That'stwo more Abes.........[]