creeks and rivers seem to be among a lot of my recent shots. would like to know your thoughts on them, the first to are from Spring Mill State Park in Indiana and the last two are in the Ohio River. don't be afraid to be critical, i'm always trying to improve, thanks in advance!

this first one is my first and only HDR attempt, i haven't purchased the license yet, so kindly ignore the watermarks. all 5 exposures at 18mm f/22 iso 100 with a 2-stop ND filter and a CPL, shutter speeds from 1s to 15s.

18mm 10s f/20 iso 100 CPL and 2-stop ND

18mm 1/3s f/22 iso 100 2-stop ND and CPL

21mm 1/2s f/22 iso 100 2-stop ND and CPL