I've posted a few questions on here before, and I have another one now. I'm saving up for a lens that will be used for indoor sports (hockey and basketball), but also just for general purpose...I do like to shoot things other than just sports. I'll be using it for lots of things.

My budget will be no more than $500-600. The two-three main lenses I've been looking at are the 85 1.8, 100 2.0, and the 70-200 f/4 L (non is). The first two I listed are obviously good for sports and fast enough for inside, butlack versatility for other things. The 70-200 is a beast, but f/4 will be a bit too slow for the sports. I will have a Vivtar DF383 though.

So I'm going to sacrifice something either way. What would you do with this budget/situation?

Thanks in advance.