By pure dumb luck, K&S Photo in Palo Alto, CA had one on the shelf when I stopped by before Xmas. I actually went in looking for the 5D, only to have the sales guy tell me all they was the mark II. Needless to say I jumped on it, and have been very pleased with it. I am not a pixel peeper, so I couldn't tell you if my 5D suffers the same ills as others have demonstrated on other forums. I do have some pictures up, if your curious in seeing what the 5D MkII & the 24-105L lens are capable of. I use a program called SandVox on the Mac that makes it easy to post pics, but I do not know what type of image compression they do when building html and web pages. So that said, any compression or other nasties you see in the picture are not the 5D's fault, as once you see the images on your computer, I have no doubt you'll be impressed with the image quality.