So, I'm considering renting the lens in order to try it out. I've seen reviews from people stating they've been able to get decent results hand-holding the lens up to around x3. I've seen reviews from people who can't seem to get any decent shots at all without a tripod and, potentially, a macro rail.

I typically have a very steady camera arm/hand/whatever and can often get usable shots many others can't. This leads me to believe I'll be able to get some 'on the fly' use of this lens.

So... what are peoples experiences here if any? I'm specifically looking for people comments about using it hand-held. Too much blur? Can't get past x1, x2 or x3?

Part of the whole point of me testing this out is to see if the lens is at least partially usable 'in the field'. That is, without a tripod/rail setup. I will have a monopod soon. If it turns out to not be usable in that manner I'll stick with either the 100mm or 180mm macros.