Hi there...

I just purchased the Canon 70-200 2.8L IS USM and thrilled about the picture quality and the bokeh this lens is providing me. I did however notice, as usual, once I got home, a very tiny speck of dust (a particle of some sort) that looks to reside just under the front glass. It is really tiny and barely noticeableand about .75 inches from the side.

I had a friend look at it and could not really notice this particle until is was pointed out to him.....

At the sound of being anal, *SHOULD* I return this lens to the retailer and take a chance of recieving a copy that is not as sharp or just deal with it and continue having fun, mind you this lens is not easy to get, *slim pickings*.

I do not notice this particle anywhere in the photos, most likely due to the fact it's so tiny!

I'm a little irked at the fact that I just emptied my wallet on this lens.

Your opinions are welcomed.
