The problem with this new lens, is that it was crafted with the 7D in mind. The 7D has built in flash that covers upto 15mm. The same day as the camera, they announce two new EF-S zooms starting at 15mm. They're made for each other. They're being bundled together. You get the impression that Canon is taking EF-S seriously. The fact that they've made a really poor lens, crafted specifically for their top of the line prosumer single digit crop camera, is poor form. I'd think anyone who's looking at spending $2K on a new camera/lens combo is going to be expecting a certain quality level, and they won't be getting it. They didn't necessarily read all the reviews online, and know to beware. They didn't necessarily have a sales rep warn them, as they shopped online. If your Ferrari came with cheap tires, cheap brakes, and crap oil (ie: commonly replaceable parts... trying to come up with ananalogueto lenses ), you'd be pissed.