Quote Originally Posted by George Slusher
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Quote Originally Posted by Fast Glass

Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning
You own a vehicle!? All true photographers get around on bicycle and live in a cardboard box so that all their money can go into lenses. (Anyone who says they can't afford an 800mm f/5.6 and yet still lives in an apartment is lying. [img]/emoticons/emotion-2.gif[/img])

Yeah, and I live in front of B&amp;H Photo in a T-shirt tent with a 120K piece of glass![img]/emoticons/emotion-2.gif[/img]
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Alright -- to which one of you should I send the bill for cleaning the Diet Coke off my iMac's screen? [img]/emoticons/emotion-36.gif[/img]

Wait till you see the greatpictures of peoples noses from downtown![]