I've noticed that when you open a raw image in DPP there is always a bit of NR applied, which goes up depending on the ISO. This is fine, you can turn it off and move on your merry way. The problem is that the same image opened in ACR would seem to be applying the NR at the same levels too, but in ACR you can't turn it off. On another forum I asked about this and someone said that it was actually just ACR applying it's own level of noise reduction and nothing could be done...but comparing images side by side from DPP and ACR, it looks the same, and my conclusion is that ACR can actually detect the level of NR on the shot and act accordingly, albiet in the background, and it cannot be changed.

Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone has dealt with this, knows a possible work around. I love using ACR because of all the awesome editing features, but I want to be working from the cleanest image possible to start. I sure hope that Adobe figures this out, or that maybe I'm missing something with the camera settings (I'm not, all possible NR anything is disabled).