
I nee help deciding whether to buy a new camera body or buy a good lens and just keep my "old body"???

I currently use a Canon Xti with a 24-70 f2.8 L lens. I am an enthusiast though I only shoot photos occasionally. I am quite satisfied with my pictures right now.

I am currently thinking of upgrading my camera body to a 5d mkii. But taking into account that I just take photos occasionally would it not be "overkill" for me to upgrade to such a camera body?? This is my only choice coz I've decided a while ago that when I do decide to upgrade, it will be to a full frame body.

My alternative if I don't get the new body is to get me the 70-200 f2.8L IS lens.

What do you guys think?? considering that I am an enthuisiast who only shoots occasionally, do I go for the 5d mkii or do i just keep my XTi and get the 70-200 lens???