I'm actively switching over to Mac from PC. Most of the transition is going OK, but I'm finding myself struggling with the aspect of reading in my images. What software tools do you folks use?

I've been using DownloaderPro (and BreezeBrowserPro) from BreezeSys on PC up until now. I love the simple way that I can set job names, and have DLP import the images into job folders by file type (RAW/JPEG), date, and camera; it also renames the images with a short form of the camera model so I don't have filename collisions.

I've attempted ImageIngester Pro, but find it overwhelming to set up the basics, and I'm not finding tools to automate the folder path and/or camera model (yes, I can SET these things, but I can't find ways to put the images in folders based on their parameters).

I don't really want to go down the road of a Windows emulator to run DLP/BBP, but perhaps that's what I have to do. Any suggestions from the masses on a better alternative?