I have never owned anything but a point and shoot before and now I have a Rebel T1i camera and I've noticed from the beginning (bought it in Sept.) that it reads "busy" quite often. I am missing a lot of shots and even when I have it in continuous shooting mode I have to wait. This is SO annoying!

Yesterday I bought a new card thinking maybe that was the problem. I had a class 4 PNY Optima SDHC (I know now it should be at least 6) so I bought a SanDisk Extreme Pro Class 10 which is going from a card reading 4MB/s to 30 MB/s. Well, this didn't help! I was trying to take jpeg (not even RAW) shots of fish in my aquarium and using Al Servo mode.

Do I need yet a faster card? Is it the operating speed of the Rebel T1i or is it the user of the camera?? [^o)]

Thanks ...again!
