I had an XTi for a couple of years and recently upgraded to a new 50D. The XTi took good pics with my 24-105 L lens, but the camera was a bit small for my hands and I couldn't resist the upgrade bug. I love the feel and responsiveness of the camera, but I noticed that some of my family pics were a little soft. One in particular was taken inside in Av mode at F4, ISO 400, all autofocus points enabled, usingthe built in flash. I took a pic of 3 family members who were standing together and noticed that the one in the middle was out of focus. At first, I just blamed a thin DOFdue tothe F4 aperature setting and a mid focal length, but I'm starting to think the autofocus is out of wack.

I took identical pics, alternating between autofocus and manual focus (using liveview and 5x magnification - nice feature) and performed a Micro Adjustment on the autofocus until I got similar results tothe manual focus. I ended up with a +5 adjustment, indicating that the camera was front focusing by default.

Is this normal or does it mean the camera is not behaving as it should? Micro focus adjustment seems like a nice amenity, but has now turned necessity for me. Has anyone else experienced this?