I received my Mark IV today via UPS(got it at 8am), started delivering (I am a UPS driver myself), went to a customer and charged the battery. came back after 2 hours, and once the day was done, finally made it to the beach to take a couple of shots. I haven't done ANY pixel peeping at all, and I haven't compared it to my 5D2 yet. I got the camera, and along with my 5D2, I plan on using it as much as possible!! Nothing has the feel like the 1 series cameras( I mean other cameras(LOL)); even my 5D2 w/grip doesn't even come close. Anyways, here are a couple of 5 shot HDR (can't do that with my 5D2!!), hand held using 16-35II, at f11. there is also a properly exposed photo so you can see where it came from. These are HAND HELD, with 2 second timer. 1 came out pretty ok, the other you can tell there was movement. Thanks for looking...Gregg

1st original...16mm, f11@1/60th




2nd HDR
