Hey guys and girls...

I would really appreciate your opinion on this one. I'm taking photos for about a year now. I use the canon 50D, 17-55 f2.8 IS, 100 f2.8 macro and the 70-200 f4L

I used the 70-200 quite a lot for shooting sports and action, but I kinda stopped with that. At least not so often anymore. And I rarely use my 70-200 these days. For wildlife it is too short and it lacks IS and isn't the best lens to use in low light, such as the evening in the woods.

I really LOVE my macro and my 17-55 though. The thing is: I'm not always super happy with the image quality from the 50D, so I was thinking to sell my 70-200, 50D and 17-55 and buy myself a 5DII and 24-105 combo and keep the 100mm of course. That's my first option. Going full frame.

Else I was thinking I could just sell the 70-200 and update my set. That's option 2

Maybe even buy a 70-200 with IS, so it becomes more handholdable and useable. Or updat my 100mm macro to L, buy a real wide-angle lens.

I don't really know what to do then. Help me out here please.

I really love to shoot a lot of things. I love nature, and macro is definitely my favorite type.

I also want a general purpose lens.

