Originally Posted by Sheiky
Well, Denise mentioned that she doesn't like the sharpness of the photos. The first one is just a bit soft, and the second and fourth are softer. I'm not experienced enough to know if the issue is motion or focus, but I think that those three lack sharpness.
Originally Posted by Sheiky
Yes, but a lot of people recommend 1/2xfocal length, especially with a 1.6 crop. I kind of averaged the two. Guess I should have mentioned that. I was also thinking the 300/4 had a 3 stop IS... but I didn't look it up.
Without EXIF data, and knowing that Denise is new to SLR photography and therefore also probably new to telephoto lenses, I assumed that shutter speeds and photographer motion were a cause of her not liking the photos, because those are the reasons my first telephoto photos were no good.