Hi all,

I am a wildlife photographer and am currently shooting birds, etc. with a 300 f/4 IS and Canon EOS 7D (I LOVE this combination []). This is, as of now, my only DSLR equipment (besides rentals).

I am now looking at macro lenses. I am budget-constrained and so just buying everything that seems like it might help is not where I'm going. I am considering three lenses:

Canon 180 Macro

Sigma 180 Macro

Canon 100 Macro

And... I've said it myself, Sigma lenses are usually inferior, but after reading Juza's (you guys know him, right?) test reviews and conclusions, I am considering it seriously. I will be shooting insects and plant life. The Sigma 180 macro is by far the cheaper, the 100 has IS... OMG this is a tough decision. The Sigma 180 has the same IQ as the Canon 180 at 1/2 the price... So tempting.

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