I'm traveling for work and we stop for dinner in Nashville on the 17th. Using the 50mm EF1.4 on my 5D I attempted to capture some night street scenes...

<label>EXIF</label> <span sizcache="305" sizset="126"]Canon EOS 5D, EF 50 f1.4 @ <span class="nowrap"]f/2.8, <span class="nowrap"]1/125, <span class="nowrap"]ISO 1600, <span class="nowrap"]No Flash, Handheld

<span sizcache="305" sizset="126"]<span class="nowrap"]

<span sizcache="305" sizset="126"]<span class="nowrap"]Canon EOS 5D, EF 50 f1.4 @ <span class="nowrap"]f/2.8, <span class="nowrap"]1/80, <span class="nowrap"]ISO 1600, <span class="nowrap"]No Flash, Handheld

<span sizcache="305" sizset="126"]<span class="nowrap"]<span class="nowrap"]Don't know why, but I really like this shot.. comments/critique welcomed. Remember, I'm steet walking with a friend, not on a paid photography job. So be kind please....[]