Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Lee

<span style="font-size:small;font-family:Times New Roman;"]Keith,

<span style="font-size:small;font-family:Times New Roman;"]I really like the shots you share. I don't know if you were looking for any feedback so forgive me if you weren't but I felt compelled to comment on a couple things with this one.

<span style="font-size:small;font-family:Times New Roman;"]1) I think the ambient on-axis is a little strong overall and is shining too brightly in her ear.

<span style="font-size:small;font-family:Times New Roman;"]2) I like the comp, but her pose, though strong, proud and jaw/neck enhancing leaves me looking up into her nose. If she slightly cocked her her back toward you or if you were able to take the shot from a little higher up this could remedy the problem. Even #1 would help by taking the on-axis fill down a 1/2 to 1 full stop.

<span style="font-size:small;font-family:Times New Roman;"]These things are very picky but worth a mention.

<span style="font-size:small;font-family:Times New Roman;"]Love the background halo light. I wish I was home and could see the background color on My HP 2275. Looks like cinnamon.

<span style="font-size:small;font-family:Times New Roman;"]Nice work man..........[img]/emoticons/emotion-21.gif[/img]

Thanks Chuck

Feedback is always fine. I have been a food/product/editorial photographer for some time and I am now working on my portrait stylings so C&amp;C is welcome.

It's funny the 2 things you pointed out are the two things I have issue with image too. I have other shots from the sitting posed as you described, but my girlfriend has become very impatient with my photography and using her as a guinea pig so it is like photographing a child; I have a window of about 2 minutes before she in twitching and goose necking toward the t.v. I would have like to change the fill light but no way would she have waited for me to set up a light. I thought about fixing the ear in post but I got lazy. I'll post a different angle later.

Quote Originally Posted by Mark Elberson

What was your setup here Keith?

Gridded speedlite into background?
Softbox camera left and slightly behind subject?
Rayflash for fill?

Great job by the way :-)


You nailed it! And thanks.

Like I mentioned above I had limited time, I would have liked to have put a small shoot through choked way down behind her so I got better gradation of the hot spot. I actually had to push the shadow level in post, so on the original you kind of see banding again (not going to complain because it could have been avoided).

Other set up info: 5DmkII, 24-70, SB w/580EXII @1/4, Ray Flash w/580EXII @ 1/32, BG light 580EXII w/Honl 1/4 grid @ 1/64.

Manual setting, 1/125, f/4 ISO 100 @ 70mm.