Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist


For indoor basketball, you'll want f/2.8 at most- f/2 would be even better,even bumping the ISO to 1600 - you need to stop action. Keeping it under $500 with reasonable focal length is going to be tough. If you were on the sidelines, a shorter lens like 50mm would work decently, but from the bleachers you'll likely want more reach. For a new lens, the EF 100mm f/2 is probably your best bet; from the bleachers, you will likely still find yourself needing to crop images in post-processing. I was recently fortunate enough to find a used but in like-new condition EF 200mm f/2.8L II for $425, but that's a real bargain and I count myself very lucky with that purchase(and glad that I frequently check Craiglist). Check on KEH - that link currently pulls up 200mm f/2.8 lenses for $615 in Excellent-Plus condition, or $546 in Bargain condition - both push your budget a little, though; you can get a used 100mm f/2 at KEH for under $400, and new from Amazon for $430.

agree ~ the 100 f/2 is the best in your budget.

If in any way it's possible, get the $900 135mm f/2.0l usm.
