Here's my contribution. All shot with a 50D and a 70-200 F4L

First off: The A10, first time I've ever seen this airplane in real life! Love's a beautiful plane!

Shot at 200mm iso200 1/1000 TVmode with +1exposure

The rest of my pictures are shot in AV with +1 exposure with center-point metering mode.

200mm F5 1/4000 iso 250 /// 200mm and still needed cropping

188mm iso 250 f5 1/1600 also needed some crop

And two pictures to show you how the majority of my pictures looks like at 200mm non-cropped. I was standing about 75m away from the runway with all pictures.

F5 iso250 1/1000

f5 1/2000 iso 250

I used AV-mode this much because the sky was really cloudy and 1 moment it could be cloudy and the other moment it could be clear. So I set my AVmode +1 exposure.

Haven't done any postprocessing on the last 3.

Not so much on the first 2 either, but yes they have been postprocessed.

Oh..there was a question about bursting... I didn't use my bursts a lot. Only when two or more planes are flying straight into eachother and you want to take that special moment where they seem so collide.

For the rest...they aren't that fast from such a distance [:P] you don't need to burst most of the time. I did take multiple shots sometimes, just for composition.