Quote Originally Posted by bburns223
don't bring a white lens. Way too conspicuous, you'll attract too much unfriendly attention [img]/emoticons/emotion-14.gif[/img]

Quote Originally Posted by elmo_2006
The 70-200, though a nice lens, would be too much for your 'schedule' unless you don't mind carrying around almost 10lbs of camera equipment.

I couldn't agree more.

I think you should ask yourself if you will be able to change lenses back and forth. If not, consider one of the superzooms for the trip, they range from 18 to 200-270mm. They are not optically as good, but they do a decent job, they are very versatile, you will not have to keep changing lenses, and you will not carry around those 10 lbs...

If you are willing to change lenses, these are my 2 pennies worth ofthoughts:

1) The EF 24-70 2.8L is HEAVY! I have it and don't really use that much due to its weight.

2) The EF 24-105 4.0L is very good for traveling, but on a full frame body. You are likelyto wantwider angleon your APS-C body.

3) EF-S lenses are lighter thanEF lenses. Consider EF-S 10-22 and EF-S17-55 or just the new EF-S 15-85. The latter will give yougreater zoom range than EF 24-105 ona full frame.

You still have some time before your trip. Like others said, rent the lenses you're interested in and see for yourself. Good luck