Quote Originally Posted by Keith B
Lets see if they can come out with a lens better than the Canon 35 1.4. I guess we'll have to wait to see if the Nikon's 24 is as good as Canon's.

Hopefully this just marks the beginning of Nikon's new emphasis on fast primes. It would be great for Canon to finally have some competition in that area.

Quote Originally Posted by Keith B
The 16-35 f/4 VR is interesting. I guess they figured VR was more valuable than f/2.8.

Yeah, I think it's interesting too. It has the same focal length and f-number as the Canon 17-40 f/4, but with VR and a price that is almost twice as high. I bet that skimping one stop on the aperture let them keep the price down for a given quality.

I'm curious to see how well the VR actually works at this focal length. I bet the benefit is mostly for large print sizes (or extreme crops), and not for normal print sizes.

It would be great to have a new 17-40 f/4 L IS.