Quote Originally Posted by wickerprints

But who cares about that. With canon, you can turn NR off completely and use dedicated software later.

Not quite. The problem is not of post-reduction noise, but read noise and native noise that is slightly greater in Canon cameras. It is about the quality of the information captured in the first place.

Somehow I thought you meant "better noise reduction" even though you said "better noise control." I agree of course that post processing cannot completely make up for this difference.

Quote Originally Posted by wickerprints
Canon was the first--and I believe remains the only--camera company to develop and manufacture production-quality crystalline fluorite optical elements.

Do you know if there is a difference between the synthetic fluorite Canon uses and the natural fluorite Nikon and others use? (Fluorite is fluorite... almost: there is more than one isomer, IIRC. Also, they may contain different impurities, though I don't know how much that matters)