Agree with Brendan again, don't start going down the 300 f/2.8 road. The f/4 w/extender is solid enough for wildlife.

Wow so you pulled the trigger on selling the T1i. I couldn't wait so I'd be on a 7D by now which isn't bad at all. If that is case or even if you have more patience than me and wait for the T2i, I think 10-22mm AND 17-55 f/2.8 will fill out your kit and cover landscape and general purpose (to replace the kit lenses you had before - I assume you sold those w/the T1i).

I still think you consider the 5DmkII though. Sees like you really have the photography bug and FF with something like the 17-40 f/4 (or if budget allows 16-35 f/2.8) is awesome. This would also bring the 25-105 f/4 back into the picture (as the 17-55 ef-s won't work w/5D). You could save up for that or you get the 50 1.4 and foot zoom it. It would be a relatively inexpensive and a great indoor/low light lens for you.

I have the 17-40 f/4, 70-200 f/4 and 50 1.8 right now on my T1i. Went this route because I am still heavily leaning on going full frame. Some of the other guys here have only further validated my thoughts on 5DmkII and I really think your talent (i've seem some of the pics you've posted already and they are great) would really be expanded with a FF camera. The 5DmkII current comes in a great kit w/24-105 f/4 and is a great deal. I would then get the 17-55 ef-s lens and keep my T1i as a 2nd body (might have to fight the wife for the 5D and I usually will lose that fight).

I really think you should consider the 5DmkII - but do what feels right for you, as much as we try the rest of us sometimes can't help put our own biases in.
