Quote Originally Posted by mitchel

Well I see yet another review (Canon EOS Rebel T2i / 550D Digital SLR Camera Review)has been put before this review.

I guess we will probably never see it.

I'm sure I'll get blasted for this, but Bryan...if you are not going to post the review then stop saying you are.

I'm with Alex on this one - Bryan won't blast you, but do you think he makes his living reviewing products for his website? Also, at the risk of preempting Bryan and his excellent and thorough review process - it's a Sigma lens with a 14x zoom range. If you're waiting to hear that it delivers superb optical and mechanical performance before dropping $530 on the lens, you'll have a long wait (long after Bryan does finish the review, I mean...). It's a superzoom - it's going to have distortion issues through the range and it will be soft. It's got a variable aperture and is really slow at the long end, so low-light performance will be poor. It's a Sigma lens, so it will likely have focus issues and you may get a bad copy (or more than one) of the lens. If you're even considering that lens, you know you're looking at compromise.

Speaking just for myself, I'd much rather see the review of the T2i, the forthcoming review EF 70-200 f/2.8L II IS, and then a review of the Mark II Pec Pad, before the review of a 3rd party super zoom. But that's me. [:P]