Thanks for welcoming me Mr. Lee! And thanks for everyones input. True enough about the backward compatibility stuff. This might be one of those things where the Company could look great in the eyes of the public by having this type of camera. Kinda like a "We're thinking of you" look to it. With computers, you could buy a "cookie cutter" every year at $400 that isn't capable of upgrading, or you could have a nice one made for $700 with your favorite parts and upgrade just the parts as needed over the next three years. Yes, it would cost a little more upfront, but would/might be money ahead of the guy that bought cookie-cutter version every year. Did that make sense? I suck at this I'll get better. I promise! Long story short, Canon can squeeze a little more out of your pocket upfront and put it in their account drawing interest while pretending to be on your side. And yes Chuck, I would make the body out of an alloy. Anybody going this route would't want plastic...sorry, polycarbonate. I might even change the body to a 1-series type that has the other grip. Off-brand companies are coming out with very good grips for a lot less. That would cut them out and put a little extra cash in Canon's pocket they might not have had.