Our household has now got2 canon eos bodies -500D +450D (its a long story). My wife's the enthusiast. she wasplanning on selling the 450D but I've decided to keep it for me. I'dlike a new lens.I'vebeen sharing 'her' lenses so I knowwhat I like/don't like about what we'vealready got.

24-105 -I hate thisone -backgrounds areblurry and I like to see what's in the background.Yes I get that I could change this if I put in onapp. priority but Ireally just want to go with the auto modes at this point. (She's got two very 'precious' macro lenses she's told me not to bother with).

17-85 - EFS - this one is okay but I'd want more zoom to get into the distance and never use thev.wide end.

I like my photosreal sharp, so I steer clear ofthe 2 v. oldlens from our film slr 75-300 and 28-80.The shotsare always grainy.

100-400 - its a monster but I like the feel of it andgetting in close. Excellent for sport.

Iphotograph the family/teenagers - sports, birthdays, school events &holidays. We're about to take the kids on vacation to LA & I don't want to be chopping and changing lenses. I'm doing a beginners SLR course before I go. I'm not interested in something that takes great photos of flowers but nothing else.

the better half has suggested the 70-200 4 L IS. Its next on her list. The guy in the shop had a 55-250 v. cheap in comparison. Also showed me18-200 & 70-300.Hard to tell the difference between them just looking at the little display screen. A mate with a Nikon has a 18-200 he's pretty keen on. Price is relevant but not a big issue. I want to get the choice right - nice zoom, sharp photos, hand held, can fit in the kids group shot with a sharp background,action/on field sports shots and travel photos.

Got any advice...