Hey all,

I tried a few HDR photos last couple days and I really like your opinion on them!

These are the first "serious"HDRs I've ever done. Have done a few before, but without really knowing what HDR really was [A] I'm just a rookie and have to learn a lot, so your opinion is highly appreciated!

For specific shuttertimes of each photo, just ask!

1st shot: 5D2 with 24-105 @ 24mm iso100 f5.6 3-images

2nd shot: 5D2 with 24-105 @ 32mm f10 iso50 3-images

3rd shot: 5D2 with 24-105 @ 24mm f4 iso100 3-images of my girl

4th shot: 5D2 with 100mm f2.8 macro @ iso100 f2.8 3-images selfportrait of me and my girlfriend

5th shot: 5D2 with 24-105 @ 60mm f4 iso400 3-images from a Trabant (weddingcar of a friend of my sister)

6th shot: 5D2 with 24-105 @ 60mm f4 iso400 singleshot HDR from raw since colors weren't good I converted it (at least tried to, can't get black/white right)

7th shot: 5D2 with 24-105 @ 24mm f6.3 iso400 singleshot HDR from RAW, I believed I made 5 pictures out of an overexposed picture (that's causing the white gap )

Too bad the bracketing on the car didn't work. My brother took the shots, but before that we did do some macro shots and metering was still on centerpoint. The shots were made at a spot you may not stop, so it had to be done quick quick quick [:P]

Anyway any comments or critique is welcome!

Enjoy, Jan