Quote Originally Posted by Alan

Bob, what counts is that the shot looks good. And, if you're seeing it needs a -1/3 EC, then that's what is needed. Your shots look wonderful, by the way.

Thanks Alan I appreciate your comments, but you are 100% correct--here is Bryan's quote

" Also note that my 7D delivered exposures that are 1/3 stop darker than my compared-to bodies at the identical exposure settings in this test - thus the +1/3 EV examples. "

Now I am going togo back through my shots from yesterday (those that I haven't already deleted) and see if I can make sense of all of this----I can say this: of the four shots I posted, one was HDR, and one landscape was shot maually so they don't count, but both bird shots were exposed at -1/3 and and one landscape was exposed at -2/3rds.

Question for you and others---can camera body's differ in thier output as much as lenses can, i.e. good copy/bad copy?

Please forgive me, I don't mean to argue or justify my position--It's just that my "amatuer" findings were different than Bryans, so I am trying to understand it---all input/guidance is appreciated.

