I know it all comes down to what you shoot, so let's say "all-purpose except sports" and keep it simple. (I've got a 40D for action shots)

the dilemma: $2500 at B&H buys a very good used 1DsII and also a new 5DII.

It's hard to pass up the 1-series, but equally hard to forgo the rez, the video and high-ISO performance of the 5DII. But I can't shake the feeling that those bigger "pixels" on the 1DsII (and the orig 5D) just make better images.

I'm also tempted to spend half the $2500 and buy a used 5D, just because the IQ out of that body (with good glass of course) is really breathtaking. But then I'm back to missing all the qualities that make the 1-series so good, not least of which is the weather-sealing.

So...if you had to choose one of the three (the 5D is an 8+ right now for $1149, the 1DsII is a "9" at B&H for $2549, the 5DII is new for $2499) which one would it be?

Is it a 'no-brainer' because of the video on the 5DII? Or simply because the 1DsII is pretty ancient at this point? Is it crazy to even think about buying a 6-year old body (I assume it's nearing or even past the 200K shutter activations "limit")?

As always - thanks for any thoughts you'd care to share!