Quote Originally Posted by kljorgensen912
Or do I save money and get a used XTi or XSi? Do I need something better the and the XT1i?

My thought is this: you're also looking at xti or xsi so it means you don't really need the video function.

To be honest I would buy an even older body. I was thinking more of the original 5D, second hand of course. The newer dslr's are more or less semi-automatic. Or at least they have the functions. To really understand photography and study it you really won't need functions like auto lighting optimizer and movie mode.

The newer cameras are all about these features, but ask around here and I think most people won't even use them (movie mode is a different story). To really understand photography and get original photos you might consider going back to basic. Of course the downside of this is less capability in low light etc, but it might challenge you to get better results by yourself instead of relying on your camera.

It's just an idea, but you might think about it.

Quote Originally Posted by kljorgensen912
I'm intending to buy a much better camera later on, but for now I just need a good one that won't let me down and can get me through college and my degree

At iso 100 I doubt that an "older"camera will let you down. And I think you better buy an expensive camera later on just like you say when you know what style you shoot and what needs you have.
