
Hey all! Thanks for replying! I will try to reply to each one of you [H]

Quote Originally Posted by nimblybimbly85
Great pictures! What is HDR?

HDR is basically a technique that enables you to get more dynamic range in your photos. In my first 2 shots you can see straigth into the sun, but you can also see the surroundings perfectly. Normal photos would show only the sun or the surrounding exposed well. The way to do this is to make multiple photos (you can do with 1, but not the extremes) at different exposures. You make a photo which shows the highlights in good exposure, a normal one and a photo which exposes the shadows correctly. Then you combine them all and create a photo with the exposure that you want and use the other photos to get detail in your photo where the original photo lacked detail. Hope you understand it a little bit now. I tried to make a small explanation here (tread with the exact same question): http://community.the-digital-picture.com/forums/t/3132.aspx?PageIndex=1

Quote Originally Posted by Sean Setters

What I love about this series of HDR images is that, in general, the effect is not over-done (except formaybe the car shots). The shots are believable, yetslightly surreal, which makes them very pleasant to look at. Very well done, indeed...

Oh, and you've realized my secret to good photography--only take pictures of good-looking people (good looking gal...congrats!)
<div>Thank you very much Sean! Yeah I kinda like the "natural look +" as I like to call it. I try to keep my nature photos natural.</div>
<div>Haha thank you I will tell my girlfriend [] There is a specific reason why I put them in the mix. I wanted to see what people think of HDR photos of persons. Is it good or do you prefer a flashed in photo? I personally am a real rookie and flashing is something I cannot seem to learn very well. I personally like the more fluid difference in exposure in HDR more than with fill-flash. What do you think? Is it ethically correct? [A]</div>

Quote Originally Posted by piiooo

Hey Jan, very nice pictures. Is that a Trabant? Ia have not seen one in ages!

<div>Thanks Piiooo and yes it is a real Trabant! A friend of my sisters is going to marry in it tomorrow and we bumped onto them while touring in the same area. Immediately called them if they wanted photos and so the story began [] It is the most spontaneous photoshoot of all and it was at a spot where we couldn't pull over so we quickly made a few shots. That's also the reason there's still a pretty big piece missing(direct sun) due to overexposure in the car shot, but it came out pretty good.</div>

Quote Originally Posted by bob williams

Nice shots Jan. Good Job. Are you using Photomatix or other software?


Hey Bob! Thanks! Yes I used photomatix for stitching the photos and toning them to natural look. I also used Lightroom for the color and tonal adjustments. And I also used photoshop to make some more serious changes. But I couldn't have made them without photomatix, a great and pretty cheap program. But I think it has too much variables which I don't really understand so I use other programs to make further adjustments.


Quote Originally Posted by greggf
Great shots. Using people for HDR's is kinda different. I like it. Girlfriend behind the bush is my fav.

Hey Gregg! Thanks, yes the people HDRs are some which I wanted to try out. It is VERY hard though! There is almost everytime slight to moderate movement which messes up the HDR instantly. It's not easy to do and if you view 100% theres almost always a slight ghosting effect at the edges, but some come out pretty ok []

By the way: I LOVE YOUR STORY!! I loved to read it, thanks for bringing it up!


Quote Originally Posted by greggf
and seriously, this car is like a cardboard box with wheels....and he takes off

Yes it is! I believe the shell is made out of polyester haha so it weighs praktically nothing. Here in the Netherlands you don't see them anymore apart from the very few classic-owners. But further to the East, in East Germany, Tsjechia and Poland you can still see them. These countries aren't as wealthy and so people really use them still. It is changing though...unfortunately, I would love to see more classics on the road!

Quote Originally Posted by Pieter

I like the second one very much. The result does look natural, most people without knowledge of photography won't see that it's surreal picture.

One small suggestion though: I would have removed the plane out of the picture, it took my attention a bit away of the beautiful sun and reflection in the lake...

Thank you Pieter! Hmmm your suggestion is not bad at all! The plane didn't really bother me, but now you mention it...I can get it and it is not that hard to remove, so I might give it a try!




