You could be right. I only use Shoe mount flashes right now(several 580ll"s), with umbrellas and either a mounted 580exll on the camera, or an STe-2. When using hi-speed sync, the flash lets out multiple pulses to cover the duration of the shutter. So, you don't have to use full power of the slaves because of that. Plus you can always adjust your shutter speed to compensate. I haven't had any problems as far as triggering goes, as I'm usually pretty close to the subject, or I have the flashes turned to capture the pulse. I try to use the sun or existing light with fill from the flashes to overcome shadows. Of course, avoiding high noon or later bright light(ruins everything!!). Here is an example...and this was just a 580exll on camera with a sto-fen diffuser, sun at camera left at 7 o'clock....

MarkIV, 16-35ll, iso 100 2.8@1/1600th
