I finally got my Zenfolio webpage up and running and although I did set up a product and price list I am not selling/spamming to you folks, Just looking for some feedback on the webpage. Zenfolio does offer digital selling and licenses as well, but I haven't set that up yet. I do have some particular questions for those that take a look:


1. I don't have much of a collection yet, only 33 pics, should I leave them all in one gallery or break them up by catagory?

2. How do you like the overall presentation of the webpage---is it pleasing to look at and surf?

3. To frame or not to frame---with the dark background, should I frame the photos?

4. Is the watermark necessary, Does it distract from the photo?

5. If you see any shots that I should remove from the collection, please let me know---remember I am still a newbie, but one that appreciates constructive criticism [Y] [N]

My next step in this project is to write the "about" section--this is tough, and ..... I plan to put a content page of resources together and you can bet that The-Digital-Picture will be at the top of the list.

Thanks to all for your wizdom and guidance.
