Quote Originally Posted by MVers

I found the 24-70 (and all of my 1.4-2.8 lenses) very acceptable using wide open. They are not as sharp as when stopped down a few stops, but plenty sharp. Saying that he will need to use the 24-70 stopped down past f/4 is crazy talk. As for the high ISO thing--yea, you can bump the ISO--but keep in mind when you do so your losing quality and that ISO only takes you so far. If you're using a 40D you can shoot a moving subject at ISO800 instead of ISO1600, and god forbid matters got worse ISO1600 instead of ISO3200. The same even applies to the 5D, 5DII and the 1DsIII. Like IS, ISO is no substitution for a wider aperture.
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Just some clarification. I shoot my 24-70L wide open mostly for portraiture. I found it to have massive resolution in the central area, but what's on the corner I don't really care since portraiture I shoot normally doesn't require corner sharpness (usually blurred background at corners). Regarding the ISO, I do believe that technology will eventually bringing us noise-free or at least close to noise-free images at high ISO. But on the contrary, I thinkimporved ISOshould help us to say goodbye to IS not the f2.8! IS does nothing but help to stable the image, once this goal is acheived through other method (i.g. high quality image @ high ISO), there'slittle value for IS anymore. On the other hand, the f2.8 will always helpwith background blur, vignette, and so on and so on...

I do stop down this lens when I'm working with great DOP or landscape. These two lens become very similar optically after stopped down, but the distortion produced by 24-105L won't go away untill you open PS on your computer later on...

Same here, we shall wait for the IS! Even possibly an extended range too. Maybe a 24-85/2.8L IS?? Since the 17-55/2.8 on 1.6x body translates to 24-85mm on FF. I do feel 70mm to be a little bit short for this lens. 85mm will be perfect!