couple new shots i tried with a new toy i just got. a canon 1.4X extender to use with my 70-200f/4L. as always, i appreciate all comments and suggestions. unfortunatly, i just slashed my left palm open at work this week, got stiches and am a little usteady holding the lens right now, but am a die hard and keep on taking pics and trying to improve my technique. and these 2 guys are notorious for being shy and skittish birds.

chickadee in ash tree waiting for me to leave so he can go to my feeder. rebel XSi, 70-200f/4L, 1.4X extender, shot settings- f/8, 1/400sec, iso 200, cropped in CS4. i think the beak is a little blurry, could be me, or my monitor, what do you think?

cardinal in spruce tree, i know he is way high above me, he was lower, but when i tried sneaking up on him, he flew higher. rebel XSi, 70-200f/4L, 1.4X extender, hoya pro-1D c-pol,shot settings- f/5.6, 1/4000th sec, iso 800 (i know, seems high, was a cloudy/dark afternoon, using extender and c-pol filter, and am trying it out - experimenting ) and cropped in CS4