I ordered a 5d mark2, and as I'm waiting for it in the mail, I'm having second thoughts and reconsidering the 7d. I'm looking for a camera/lens combos mainly used for landscapes/portraits/events (birthdays, weddings, small concerts). I will also be using video fairly extensively, so video capabilities do matter here.

Here's the 2 different camera/lens combos I'm debating:

option1- 5dm2, 24-105L, 135L

option2- 7d, 17-55 2.8 IS, 85 1.8

Here's a couple of specific questions I have.

Can you still take stills on the 5dm2 while recording video like the 7d?

Which performs better in low light and IQ considering 5dm2+135L vs 7d+ 85 1.8? How much of a difference is it?

Which body is easier to use for video? (layout etc)

Is there anything else anyone would like to throw out there? Thanks!