I've been wanting to get a new lens that has enought reach to photograph birds, since my 70-200mm doesn't quite make it. I found a local photo forum member selling his older 600mm non is in order tto buy a new 800mm lens, and, after much thought, I decided to buy it.

I'm 67 and the thought of carrying that monster did not exactly excite me. Starting 10 days from the day I picked it up, we have had rain, snow, hail, and high winds such that I really could not reasonably use it. Today, the sun was peeping thru and the winds were much better, so I lugged everything out and set it up for a few attempts to photograph some birds at my feeder, and to see how sharp it was.

The light was pretty harsh, and some photos were overexposed, but I was pleased with the sharpness. I hope to really start to learn to use it for bif and wildlife soon.