Quote Originally Posted by wickerprints
You are partially lens-limited but the sensor
density is a stronger limiting factor except in very high noise
situations. Ask Daniel Browning if you don't agree.

Let me admit that most of my pictures look best when viewed at less than 1-1. If I'm not viewing them at 1-1 anyway (either because my screen isn't big enough or, when I crop heavily or pixel peep, it doesn't look good at 1-1), doesn't that mean more pixels won't help much? I realize that more pixels help for post processing and that a very high pixel density can give modest improvements in prints, but I feel like I'm usually *more* limited by other factors.

On the other hand, I don't really think I'm usually limited by lens quality either. Today I think focus is the #1 limiting factor for me (I shoot a lot of pictures of objects with very narrow DOFs), but I change my mind a lot

Anyhow, in a sense this is all silly because my sharp pictures look good
when viewed on a 24" monitor or printed at say, 11x14. But usually not
when viewed 1-1.

Either way, you make good points wikerprints. Many of us make arguments based on an
assumption that "X" is the limiting factor, and start arguing
(discussing, I should say, this is a very polite forum) with someone
arguing based on the assumption that "Y" is the limiting factor, and
they get nowhere.