Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ruyle
(Sorry for dragging him into this...)

Yea you should be punished for bringing his name up here [:P]

And yeah Keith I noticed that you were pretty serious about it, that's also what I liked. I just wanted to see how John Fast Glass was going to defend himself here for such words []


Quote Originally Posted by Keith B
By no means am I the greatest nor the truest of true photographer, but I do my share of commercial work and more than once I have seen MP requirements from clients. Rarely are they as low as 10MP these days. Another reason I retired my 40D.

I don't know what your idea of a true photographer is and I guess it's a personal thing, but in my mind (and I don't earn money with taking photos) I AM a true photographer. At least for my standards [8-|]

Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ruyle
In his review of the 5DII, he said "no one needs 21mp" or some such

Need is a big word, but it comes in handy quite often to be honest [A]but most of the time for spontaneous, sports and non-planned shots. When you've got the time to make a good composition etc and you don't need to crop afterwards, 21MP could be a bit overkill I guess. I never bothered about it [A] And it sure comes in handy when you're printing big, I love it!