A friend gave me the opportunity to shoot backstage at the Fashion
Week, an offer I could not refuse. I gave it a shot, documentary style. Here are some of the pictures (the series is over
40 pictures). I haven't done this before, so I found
it very hard to do! And my
insecurity (an amateur), caused me to not be at ease in the crowd. But it was a
learning experience so I guess it served a purpose.

ISO 3200 - F4 - 105mm - 1/400 (Models listening to instructions at the very beginning of the runway early in the morning)

ISO 3200 - F4 - 35mm - 1/400 (Kids in makeup for the show before the one I was doing, loved the antlers I had to take a picture)

ISO 3200 - F4 - 58mm - 1/100 (Checking herself in the mirror before entering the runway. Things are a bit chaotic backstage now)

ISO 3200 - F4 - 105mm - 1/80 (Checking the dress seconds before entering the runway. Actual runway show in progress)

ISO 3200 - F4 - 35mm* - 1/100 (*image cropped considerably)

ISO 3200 - F4 - 105mm - 1/1250 (still not sharp: I trembled because this is my favorite model: Patricia Van Der Vliet)

ISO 3200- F4 - 50mm - 1/30

ISO 3200 - F4 - 105mm - 1/30 (This girl is stunning. Her name is Marvy. She was so kind and positive to everyone).

ISO 3200 - F4 - 24mm - 1/100 (Dress rehearsal: models get instructions right behind the runway)

ISO 3200 - F4 - 105mm - 1/1600 (Early rehearsal, no designer clothes yet, hair still work in progress, and no makeup)