Hello everyone!

I have a Digital Rebel XT (EOS 350D) with a 8 MPixel sensor for two years now, and I've been shooting with the stock kit lens (18-55 f/3.5-5.6, no IS) ever since. I really love the camera, even though it's a bit old, but she serves me very well. However, it's about time to upgrade the lens, and since I've never purchased a lens before, I'd really appreciate any advice you can give.

I want something to replace the kit lens, for hopefully less than $1000 (paying for it out of summer job money). I usually shoot nature, landscapes, and occasionally people. I also want to move into animal photography if/when I get a telephoto lens.

I've been considering mainly:
  • Canon 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 - excellent optical quality, good focal range
  • Canon 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 - huge focal range - never had a telephoto lens before!

Unfortunately I can't afford to buy a full set of lenses - will have to do that next year!

So do you think that the 18-200's poorer optical quality is going to be apparent on a 8MP sensor? Maybe, since the resolution of the DRebel XT is so low, I can get away with it? The reach of this lens is really quite impressive. Also, do you think the upgrade over the kit lens is going to be worth the money?

Thanks a lot!
Frank Zhao