I listed my 300mm lens on ebay late last night and this morning someone had purchased it at the "Buy It Now" price!! FANTASTIC!

Then I received an email from the buyer asking me to change the shipping from priority (additional mailing fee) and put it as shipping included and he would send me a prepaid FedEx label.

Alittle suspicious of this request, I emailed ebay asking if it was ok to do. Within a few hours I received a response from ebay telling me that someone's account was hacked into (to make it look like a respectable buyer with awesome rating) and the hacker tried to get me to ship elsewhere without the account owners permission.

Hopefully,this posting will help someone else that may potentially fall victim to a scam like this!


Update 5/6/10:

The same exact thing happened again! For the second time in a week, someone hacked into a registered buyers account and tried to fraudulently purchase my lens and have me ship it off to who knows where! So once again, ebay pulled my listing ...that's it, I'm done trying to sell anything of major value on ebay! [8o|] [N]