Quote Originally Posted by bburns223

The $570 price of the tokina is SO hard to pass up.
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Don't buy because it has a good price. Buy because it's a good value or because it'll hold its value (whatever price tag that is) while you own it.

I have to admit, this sounds a little fishy: "I really like the 70-200. Oh wait, I really like the 11-16." Nothing like a ~10x difference between two lenses, and then to hear that the 17-55 is out.

Honestly, I think the 17-55 should be high on your consideration list. It's wide, but certainly not ridiculously so. It's long (88mm EFL), but a reasonable magnitude less than your 300/4. Two reasons lead me to the 17-55: there's no substitute for a wide-enough lens, but (almost) nobody uses an 11-16 as a general-purpose lens.

I started with a 24-105, and three weeks later rented 16-35, 70-200, and 100-400 for a cycling trip, sailing trip, visit to SeaWorld, and a golf tournament. I walked away from the post office knowing that I loved the 70-200, liked the 16-35, and wasn't crazy about the 100-400. 70-200 came eight weeks later, 16-35 came eight months after that. Now I want the 24-70 in place of the 24-105, then I'll probably do the 10-22 and then primes, probably a 300 to start. Yeah, I'd like something seriously telephoto for my sailing trips and some other stuff, but I can make do with cropping.