Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725

Usually very true but since John just purchased a couple very nice lenses, spending time enjoying them should make the wait less painful than purchasing the 35mm or 50mm now & having improved versions come out in September.


Here is the train of thought I had when I purchased my 35L a few months ago:

The likelihood of the 35L being replaced doesn't seem immanent to me. It is very sharp, it can easily keep up with the densely populated modern sensors. Nikon doesn't have a equivalent coming (that I know of).The 24L II was produced because it had lots of issues and just to be in the IQ ball park of the 35L.The 135L is 8 years older than the 35L and yet to be replaced. I would expect the 135L to be replaced long before the 35L since it could really reap the benefits of IS. Lastly, if the 35L was replaced. wouldn't I still be happy with the mark I at a substantial savings.

If you listen to rumor sights you will be afraid to buy anything unless it came out yesterday.