Hi everybody,

Im really hesitating between these 2 lenses, and can't make a choice !

What you should know :

- I have a 10-22mm canon,a 70-200mm f/4 L canon, a 18-135mm IS, a 100mm macro usm

- I plan to sell the 18-135mm which is not enough good, but i discovered the IS thanks to it, and for me who really hate the tripod, its really pleasant

- I was thinking to take the 17-55 and loosing the extended range that the 24-105 offered me or to take the 24-105 with the extender 1.4x and sell back my 70-200 and also buy a 50mm 1.8 to have a good and cheap lense for indoor photography.

Well im just lost, and would like to know what you would do ?

(the 24-70 is not an option for me bcause it doesnt offer a better image quality than the 24-105 and i would prefer to have a 50mm 1.8 for indoor photography)
